Sunday, September 12, 2010

nonsense of the flanimals

As you know the Flanimal kingdom is diverse and immense. Different speices evolved and migrated in every direction. They fluorished and dominated the plains the forests and the mountains, rivers, the swamps and entire oceans, from the shallows of Menptonia to the Hubba Numpy Depths.

One Flanimal can't make a difference. They had to fight together. What if they all made a stand? and that's what they did. Armies of Puddloflaj, no longer cowardly wobblers, they wobbled bravely into war.

Grundits, like tanks, linked arms and stagered towards battle. Glonks...well, Glonks did absolutely nothing, but they did it together it was magnificent! It was the most terrifying war thje world has ever seen -carnage- but they still fought. They fought like warrior flans. Baby Mernimblers were launched like metamorphic missiles. They changed into adults mid-flight,to rip and tear at the bletchings.Then it got nasty. But they fought on. Tired, injured, dying. It was working. The Flanimals were winnning Hooray!hoor....
Oh no, hold on there was just the tip of the iceberg. There was millions more emerging and taking flight.Chaos. Flanimals ran in all directions. No one Flanimals ran in all directions, but between them every direction was covered. Even up and down. Well, they didn't run up and down, they jumped up and down, which is pretty pointless.
also its pretty easy to jump up but much harder to jump down especially if you're already on the ground. Jumping down if you're already on the ground means you end up sortove crumpling yourself to death. You can bury yourself. Some did this, some buried each-other. Some jumped into the rivers to escape the Bletching but ended up being eaten up by the Strankulators. Oh I forgot to tell you 'bout the Strankulator. Itnt matter now. Nothing matters now.

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